zondag 15 mei 2011

Model style

Hey lovely readers,

today I've been looking for model's style on the internet. I used models I knew, so it would be easier to comment. The models are Natasha Poly, Liu Wen, Abbey Lee Kershaw and Marcelina Sowa. I'll show their regular style, street style and Marcelina's event style. Hope you like it!

I'd describe her style as black, punk but the lipstick makes it chique/rock in away. She accentuates her lips and eyes a lot. I'm nog a big fan of her shoes, but overall I like her style..
I love Liu Wen's style. She classy, punk, rock, really street style in her own way.  My favourite, as you can see, is the bigger picture. her eyes look amazing, her legging's so cool and the top combined with the shoes is just amazing! She's what a lot of people call 'a natural beauty' and I agree.
This is Abbey Lee. Big fan. Big fan. There's soo much I want to say. I mean, look at the bags, look at the sunglasses, the green coat, the skirt and dress, everything. She's such an icon for me. I love her hair too and the necklaces she wears are so cool. Her style is a little bit of everything. She wears (long) skirts and dresses mostly, she uses the colours beige, grey, black a lot. Not very bright, just a little somewhere. ❤
Last but not least, Marcelina Sowa's event style. I think she's very classy and sooo gorgeous! She's a natural beauty too and is happy to show it. Her event style's not very unique or impressing but it is very beautiful and it suits her as it is made for her.

I hope you enjoyed it and have a nice sunday!

4 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Welcome :) Thanks for your lovely comment. Great post. love their styles :)
Love Lois xxx


Marjolein zei

i love their style! x

mirjam schuurkamp zei

models, Pff their so gorgeous! Really, the have something different and its pretty!

wanna see me without extensions?
new post on my blog.

ANNA zei

love this so much!
